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Un XP sur mesure pour le EeePC ! Microsoft annonçait pourtant que son système d'exploitation Windows XP était en fin de vie ? Il va pourtant subir une cure d'amaigrissement afin de s'adapter au ASUS announced two Eee PC models at Computex Taipei 2007: the 701 and the 1001. The 701 base model Eee PC 4G was released on 16 October 2007 in Taiwan.Three additional models followed. Both the price and the size of the device are small in comparison with similar Ultra-Mobile PCs.The Eee series is a response to the XO-1 notebook from the One Laptop per Child initiative [citation needed]. 笔记本资讯大全,了解最新产品动态,掌握实时笔记本行情,精通笔记本使用技巧,解答各种笔记本疑难杂症。 电脑容易发热,而且会经常自动关机,开机很多次都是蓝屏


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