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Kakuro is a logic puzzle with simple rules and challenging solutions.. The rules of Kakuro are simple: 1. Each cell can contain numbers from 1 through 9 2. The clues in the black cells tells the sum of the numbers next to that clue. Play unlimited Kakuro puzzles using our free online game - it also features Sudoku, Killer-Sudoku, Sudoku X and more! Did you know you can play on your phone or tablet? Just visit this site on your device. What is Kakuro? How to play Solving techniques Contact us. 在线游戏 Kakuro - play online the puzzle game also known as Cross Sums 《数谜》是一款益智类游戏。游戏除了涉及逻辑推理,更要大家计算加数。与Sudoku一样,是将一串数字加到面板上,大前提是加入的数字是空格旁边数字的总和,还有该总和算式内的数字不能重复。数谜除了考验玩家的数学知识外,更加考验玩家的推理能力,因此游戏的难度非常的高,有信心的玩家 Kakuro online is a kind of logic puzzle that is often referred to as a mathematical transliteration of the crossword. Kakuro puzzles are regular features in most, if not all, math-and-logic puzzle publications in the United States. Although they can be very challenging at times, Kakuro Online puzzles can be solved primarily through logic and math. 10.000 Kakuro-Felder kostenlos spielen. Online oder zum ausdrucken in 4 Größen und 5 Schwierigkeitsstufen. Kakuro, also know as cross sums, is a Japanese puzzle game which combines the Sudoku and crossword principles. Find the right combination of numbers whose sum …


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Play unlimited Kakuro puzzles using our free online game - it also features Sudoku, Killer-Sudoku, Sudoku X and more! Did you know you can play on your phone or tablet? Just visit this site on your device. What is Kakuro? How to play Solving techniques Contact us. 在线游戏 Kakuro - play online the puzzle game also known as Cross Sums 《数谜》是一款益智类游戏。游戏除了涉及逻辑推理,更要大家计算加数。与Sudoku一样,是将一串数字加到面板上,大前提是加入的数字是空格旁边数字的总和,还有该总和算式内的数字不能重复。数谜除了考验玩家的数学知识外,更加考验玩家的推理能力,因此游戏的难度非常的高,有信心的玩家 Kakuro online is a kind of logic puzzle that is often referred to as a mathematical transliteration of the crossword. Kakuro puzzles are regular features in most, if not all, math-and-logic puzzle publications in the United States. Although they can be very challenging at times, Kakuro Online puzzles can be solved primarily through logic and math.

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29/08/2011 Kakuro Blend is exactly like the puzzle Kakuro, but with colors instead of numbers! It is simple, colorful, and challenging. If you enjoy tough puzzles, this game will satisfy you for hours with 40 unique puzzles each with its own unique solution. Here you can play Kakuro online puzzles with randomly-generated boards. [ 3x3] [ 4x4] [ 5x5] [ 9x8] [ 13x13] [ 15x15] [ 20x20] [ 15x30] [ 25x25] [ 30x30] The game automatically detects a correct solution. A crossword-like puzzle based on numbers instead of words. Fill the blank squares with numbers 1 to 9 so that the numbers you enter add up to the corresponding clues.

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首先介绍一下Kakuro(カックロ) 这个游戏。 游戏规则为: • 方形空格中填入1 ~ 9 的整数。 • 被斜线分开的方格中,右上角的数字等于其右侧邻接之连续方格中数字之和,左下角的数字等于其下方邻接之连续方格 … 数和 规则. 随着数独等一系列数字逻辑谜题的成功,数和这款规则简单,无需语言技巧的逻辑谜题开始成为新的热点。 Kakuro is similar to both sudoku and traditional crossword games. Like a Crossword. Similar to crosswords, Kakuro has clues both across and down. When you put numbers in the vacant squares, the sum must equal the given clues. This is why the game is sometimes called 'cross sums'. Classic 数和 玩每周新谜题. 每道谜题都由一个空白网格组成,该网格中散布着很多代表数字之和的提示数字。游戏目的是用数字1-9将所有空白方格填满,使得每一水平方格区所填数字之和等于其左侧的提示数字,而每一垂直方格区所填数字之和等于其上方的提示数字。 Kakuro ressemble à la fois au Sudoku et à un jeu de mots croisés - vous devez remplir toutes les cellules avec des nombres de 1 à 9 en utilisant des calculs arithmétiques et de la logique. La solution régulière de kakuro est utile à tout âge, car le puzzle: Développe les compétences de … //科学百科任务的词条所有提交,需要自动审核对其做忽略处理. 所以删除图片/绿色通道等规则也不适用于这类词条, 所以把它

Kakuro-Online has stepped slowly yet confidently into the future and now uses HTTPS rather than boring old HTTP! Everything seems to be running smoothly; the only downside to this update is that previously saved progress on the generator page will be lost. Sorry for the inconvenience, but in the name of security, sacrifices must sometimes be made. 这个引人入胜的数字谜题综合了数独和填字游戏的精彩元素。快来亲自挑战随机制作的谜题吧!您在这个游戏里的目标是把数字1至9填进所有空格里,令每组横行或直行的方格里的数字都不相同,而且每组数字相加之后的结果与该组前方的提示数字相同。 bg.puzzle-kakuro.com За да можете да решите пъзела онлайн се нуждаете от Javascript. Въпреки това можете да принтирате пъзела и да го решите с молив ;) Kakuro is an exciting free to play puzzle game for young and adults, Play this amazing game Kakuro online for free at Fundecade.com.

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