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UL2595电池充电系统详解.pdf,7/2/2020 UL 2595 General 字数:约3.41万字; 发布时间:2020-08-04; 浏览人气:16; 下载次数:仅上传者可见 Lighting, Tool • UL 924 • IEC 60745-1 • UL 2595 • IEC 62841-1 • UL 60745-1 • UL 62841-1 • … UL 924-2018. 悬赏金额:3000积分已截止. 个人资料. 性别: 保密 王志培.. 关注. 下载了 laviniachan 的文档 UL认证知识. 文档格式:PDF . 下载积分:30 . 资源ID:433484 资源大小:376.79KB 全文页数:69页; 资源格式: PDF 下载权限:游客/注册会员/VIP会员 下载费用:10000积分【人民币100元】. 快捷注册下载 BSR/UL 924, Standard for Safety for Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment 1. Addition of a definition and requirements for directly controlled luminaires 4.13.1 Directly Controlled Luminaire - A luminaire with ALCR functionality to automatically override any UL Accepted for use in Plenum, NEMA 1 16” 600V Rated-30° to 140° F (-35° to 60° C) 5 to 95% (noncondensing) Rated for dry and damp locations only UL Listed, UL924, C-UL CE, RoHS Quick Reference Chart Normal Power Supply Voltage Normal Power Current Draw Normal Power Operating Frequency 120-277Vac 24mA max 50/60Hz Emergency Power Supply 文档 UL 924-2008 Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment 的全文信息 . UL 924-2008 Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment 全文下载链接 UL 924-2008 UL Standard | UL 924 | Edition 10 | Standard for Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment | Edition Date: May 09, 2016 | ANSI Approved: May 05, 2020
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Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is a world renowned independent product safety certification organization. UL was established in 1894 and the company is headquartered in Northbrook, IL. Underwriters Laboratories creates standards and testing procedures for all types of products, components, assemblies, tools, and materials, in regards to product safety. UL is approved by the U.S. Government's UL 924 BULLETIN-2007=12P 国外国际规范.pdf,Subject 924 October 3, 2007 SUMMARY OF TOPICS The following topics were discussed at the meeting: 1. Definition of an ″open type″ device 2. inverters are listed as “UL 924 Emergency Lighting Equipment” with full load battery backup time of 90 minutes. However, with additional UL certification, inverter systems can also be listed as “UL 924 Auxiliary Lighting and Power Equipment” with alternative battery run times, including a full load run time as short as 15 minutes. UL Standard | UL 924 | Edition 10 | Standard for Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment | Edition Date: May 09, 2016 | ANSI Approved: May 05, 2020
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